When the maritime route was discovered, India had already witnessed many foreign invasions from the northeast such as Alexander the great, the Arabs, Turks, etc. Columbus, however, went to the opposite side and discovered the Americas, a land which was completely secluded and untouched before then.

Christopher Columbus started his voyage to discover India in 1492, around five years before Vasco Da Gama. Before him, many voyaged to discover India but no one succeeded. However, Vasco Da Gama, a Portuguese explorer and sailor, has been given the credit for discovering a maritime trade route to India on May 17, 1498. There is evidence that suggests we had known maritime trade during the Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) and in the first millennium of the common era.

New Delhi: Land of rich heritages, cultural treasures, and brilliant engineering and civilisation, India was richer than all the known world put together in ancient times.